End-of-week bitchin.....
Ah, Friday.....that lovely day has yet again come along, and the week's drawing to a close. As always, my mind's not quite here at the office with the rest of me, as witnessed by the fact that I'm blogging when I really should be finishing work on that file thats been sitting on my desk all morning.
Got to the office and got an sms from a dear colleague of mine, H. Horror of horrors, dufus is at it again. This time, in his sick little mind, he's decided that he, as head of department, can stake a claim to crediting himself for our work. We've been involved in this major telecommunications deal for ages....H has been doing a bulk of the work and dufus came in far too late to be involved in any significant part in the project. Besides, with his kinda intellect, even if he did start it off from the beginning, its unlikely he would have contributed much anyhow. Think 1st generation ATARI PC and you'll get the general idea where dufus' intellect lies. If he were reborn with his current brain, he'd likely be an amoeba............
Meet my Head of Department
In any case, it transpires that H managed to take a peek at dufus' CV and guess what? He's claiming he "lead the team" that drafted those landmark agreements! Can you beat that? What the heck does he mean by "lead the team"??? The only thing this man could lead is a horse drawn carriage.....with him as the horse! And even then, with hi puny little physique, I doubt he'd get very far.......
You know, I really, really, really wish I could somehow rig his chair with some form of microwave generating device that would cook him to a crisp in under 5 minutes at a push of a button.
In any case, he's a nutter that deserves to be given the boot, but alas, its not the Firm's style to kick out unwanted baggage.......
If theres a bright side to all this is the fact that I have 2 clear days to forget about the numbskull.
Ah...the weekends..ain't it a lovely concept? You know, whomever thought that it'd be a good idea to have 5 days of work and 2 days of rest needs a slap on the behind. Why couldnt it be the other way around? 5 days rest, 2 days work...now THAT would be just SMASHING!
Its odd though - you look forward to the weekend with anticipation akin to a guy waiting for his bride-to-be to say "yes" to his proposal, and yet, when it does eventually swing by, you just wanna do NOTHING! For now though...that sounds a whole lot better than being at the office, so I shant complain....
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